Applied Neuroscience Association

Invites you to JOIN US for a virtual Unconference


Tuesday 24th September 2024

START: 09:30 OPEN SPACES 10:00-12:00 RETURN 13:00

OPEN SPACES 13:30-15:30 END 16:00 GMT



REGISTER and VIEW the UNConference Programme HERE

The Applied Neuroscience Association (ANA) is delighted to be bringING you our annual ONLINE Unconference opening 8 spaces to talk about 8 *topics selected and led by ANA Members with a theme of Applied Neuroscience in Society.

The 2024 Unconference Programme *topics include: “Procrastination: A Catalyst for Stress, Anxiety and Burnout”, Neuroaesthetics and Mental Health: The Intersection of Art and Neuroscience” and Mental Wellness: Exploring a Sense of Safety Memory, Interoception, Proprioception, Exteroception, Cognition & Consciousness!”

ANA have evolved our own version of an Open Space Unconference that honours the informality and open conversation/debate of an Unconference, enabling an environment of sharing, learning, engaging and networking and it’s FREE to attend! 

You do not need to know about neuroscience to JOIN US.

At the start of each space, ANA Member speaker(s) will bring their insights to get the conversation going, before handing over to the audience to interact and take part in the conversation. 

The opening note is at 09:30 will introduce the open spaces, how they will work and what to expect including a broad overview of the topics through the lens of applied neuroscience. You can choose to attend one or two sessions staying for 1 to 2 hours or join us all day!

The spaces schedule is from 10:00-11:00 and 11:00-12:00 and from 13:30-14:30 and 14:30-15:30 (45-minute duration with 15-minute breaks).

The lunch break is an opportunity for virtual networking from 12:00-13:00, and the last ½ hour from 15:30-16:00 is dedicated to your feedback and learning points.

Watch this space to RESERVE A SPOT!

This event is open to ALL ANA Members! 

We encourage our members to bring a ‘plus one’ to help grow our ANA Network! 

We welcome anyone who may be interested in how neuroscience might be applied to them in real life – no prior science knowledge is required!

We look forward to seeing you online!

*Programme topics may change